Hopefully these FAQs will answer any questions you may have, but if you need to discuss any of our services or how we can adapt them to your specific business, we are happy to chat through it with you.  FAQs and answers specific to each services appear on each service page. 

Do you have expertise for our type of work?

We recruit secretaries who have proven experience in many practice areas of law, including family, corporate, finance and property. Our team have experience in fields other than law, including medical, financial and property and construction.

Our vetting, testing and ongoing training and quality assurance will ensure that you always have the expertise matched for your needs.

Can you help with training?

We can train a variety of packages. However, training is not a one-stop “cure-all”. We recommend training as part of an overall solution for good management of documents, and following principles of best practice.

We will meet with you to discuss what solution might best fit your firm. Our online learning and training courses offer quick tips in short videos. 

Where are your secretaries?

It is our policy to produce all work within the UK.  Our secretaries work from home connected to our secured technology, tested and vetted for compliance and quality purposes. 

Do they work from home?

Our team of secretaries all work from home, and are experienced home-workers. 

Can you create PowerPoint presentations?

Our PowerPoint expertise encompasses anything from a deck of slides for a presentation to a complex report style document including diagrams and animations or large complex structure charts. 

We can work with you to create a house style template that follows the rules of your brand.  More information about house style is here

Are your transcribers and PAs UK based?

Our secretaries are all based in the UK, and are located in Liverpool, Manchester, London and Essex.  

Do I need special equipment?

All you need is a mobile phone and one of our apps to get started.  We can provide you with simple instructions to get set up.

What security do you have in place?

Below are just some of the controls in place to protect your information:

  • All of your data and access to it is strictly controlled with multi-factor authentication in place.
  • Our technology servers are protected by Secure Socket Layer Certification (SSL Certificate).
  • Our stringent recruitment process ensures that all Bluebird PAs are competent and eligible to work in the UK, identity checked and sign a confidentiality agreement.
  • Each of our suppliers are vetted for their own security and information management systems and controls.
  • Clients can download completed work from a secure password-protected website.

Get In Touch


020 3409 7040


The Old School, 188 Liscard Road, Wallasey, CH44 5TN.





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